The 2004 event was held on Pelican Lake, home of the Pelican Yacht Club. Located in the heart of southwestern Manitoba, it is the region's sailing and recreational boating centre. Pelican Lake is part of the Pembina River system, and is the largest lake in South West Manitoba. It measures 14 miles by 1 1/2 miles. Pelican Yacht Club was host of the 1997 Canada games – the same year that Disabled Sail Manitoba Inc. had been founded by a small group of volunteers. The adaptive sailing group immediately got down to fundraising, acquiring its first Martin 16 in 1997, and one more each year for the next three years. |
LocationPelican Yacht Club, HostsDisabled Sail Manitoba DatesSept. 11 – 15, 2004 Trophy winnersMobility Cup | Merle Hickey, Calgary, AB Coupe Dallaire | Donald Stinson, Ottawa, ON Sam Sullivan Trophy | Chris Loscerbo, Chemainus, BC Daren Tucker Award | Kimberley Ives |