Mobility Cup grew again, involving 61 sailors – each handling a Martin 16 – sailing in Toronto, ON Only the ninth ever event, it featured an adaptive sailing symposium, followed by one day’s on-the-water practice and then four day’s racing. The International Disabled Sailing Symposium, led by the Canadian Yachting Association, considered all aspects of developing sailing opportunities for people with disabilities. Billed as “the largest and most international fleet assembled to date,” it featured competitors from Canada, USA, Bermuda, Australia and Portugal. |
LocationNational Yacht Club, HostsDisabled Sailing Association of Ontario DatesSept. 12 – 17, 1999 PersonnelRegatta Chairman, Danny McCoy LegacyFormation of Disabled Sailing Association of Ontario Trophy winnersMobility Cup | Danny McCoy, Toronto, ON Coupe Dallaire | Brenda Poole, Toronto, ON Sam Sullivan Trophy | Chris Loscerbo, Chemainus, BC |
Gold Fleet Results |
Silver Fleet Results |