The 1994 event involved 28 sailors with disabilities from across Canada and the US, who collectively sailed 135 times to compete for the Mobility Cup trophy. Held at the Jericho Sailing Centre, Vancouver, the event included two (mouth operated) sip ‘n’ puff sailboats, operated by Larry Boden of Vancouver and Rene Dallaire of Montreal. The system, which enables high level tetraplegics to sail, debuted in 1993’s event. The 1994 Mobility Cup also included a demonstration by blind sailor Bruce Gilmour. |
LocationJericho Sailing Centre , HostsDisabled Sailing Association DatesAug. 24 – 28, 1994 PersonnelRegatta Coordinator, Vaughan Wallace, LegacyIntroduction of sip 'n' puff sailing for high level quadriplegics Trophy winnersGold Fleet winner | Brent Foote, Delta, BC Silver Fleet winner| Roy Crawford, Victoria, BC |